Essential Resources for End-of-Life Support and Planning

Explore trusted links to services and communities for navigating end-of-life care and decisions.

Handwritten 'Death Cafe' logo in an elegant, flowing font.Handwritten 'Death Cafe' logo in an elegant, flowing font.
Death Cafe

At Death Cafe people drink tea, eat cake and discuss death.

'Our aim is to increase awareness of death to help people make the most of their (finite) lives'.

'Death Cafes never involve agendas, advertising or set conclusions. Interesting conversations are guaranteed!'

Death Cafe is not for profit, with no intention of leading people.

Jon Underwood founded Death Café in 2011 based on the work of the late Swiss Sociologist and Ethnologist Bernard Crettaz.

Logo for End of Life Doula Directory Australia with a green location pin.Logo for End of Life Doula Directory Australia with a green location pin.
End-of-Life Doula Directory

End of Life Doula Directory is an independently run directory especially for end of life doulas/consultants. Our purpose is to help clients find the support they need through a comprehensive listing of end of life doulas in Australia.

Stay up to date with the events Kate hosts through Eventbrite.

Logo for Advance Care Planning AustraliaLogo for Advance Care Planning Australia

Information and the forms needed for Advance Care Planning in Queensland.